Why Should Children Learn a Foreign Language?

Languages are the vehicles through which we communicate as human beings. Every ethnic group, country or region of the world has a language of its own. When children are born, they usually fist pick up the language spoken to them by their parents. In a constantly changing era where there is a need to interact with people of various nationalities, the need for children-the next generation of leaders- to learn foreign languages, cannot be over emphasized. Nevertheless, a few voices have been elevated to say that it is better to speak your language fluently and master it, rather than knowing three foreign languages and speaking none properly.

A child’s brain is like a sponge that absorbs information in vast amounts daily. At this tender age, their ability to learn new languages is very elevated. This is an opportunity to expand their horizons by teaching them a new language. Today, there are several institutions specializing in teaching foreign languages in various countries.

Many conflicts erupting between nations often stem from the fact that they speak different languages and thus do not understand each other’s culture and way of life. Encouraging children to learn the language of the other nation could in the future create a rapprochement between the two nations, so as to enhance mutual understanding and cooperation.

On the other hand, some are of the opinion that encouraging children to learn foreign languages rather that re-enforcing their capacity to master their mother tongue, is counterproductive and a waste of resources. This time should rather be invested in other subjects like math and physics.

Summarily, children become better people in future if they learn foreign languages. Despite a few drawbacks, this should be highly encouraged.

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