Forcible Transfer of Population: the Creation of Israel and Transfer of Palestinians


This paper discusses the issues regarding forcible population transfer in Palestine. It indicates that more than one third of entire Palestine’s were forcibly transferred in West Bank in 2011, were residents of Jordan valley, around 60% of whom were young children. In addition, it also notes the biased nature of the Israel’s policies led to striking inequity of water access between Israelis and Palestine’s in the Jordan Valley.

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Forcible population transfer refers to expulsion of a certain ethnic group from one area to another. The government with a particular objective and for the benefit of individuals and a country mostly does it. Moreover, the government might do this with an intention to reduce particular ethnic group in a country in order to gain the power control over the residential land. Population transfer also occurs when there is conflict and war in the country. The government vacates its people to another place, and brings them back to their lands after the war is over.

This paper constitutes a deep overview of the forcible displacement of the Palestine’s as an historic, and yet ongoing process that negatively affects the existence of Palestine’s. It also affects their national existence. This paper will use an inclusive interpretation of human right based approach, focusing that obligations and responsibilities under the international law should succeed political considerations.

Highlighting the level and broader implications of the forcible population transfer needs carefully examination of the Israeli policies aimed at forcible shifting Palestine’s, and their position in the general system of oppression in Palestine. It will also look at different policies that were used to transfer the Palestinians from their area. Moreover, the Palestine’s reactions towards evacuation by the government would be looked at. This paper will give a brief discussion and conclusion for the future research regarding the study topic. The paper will also clarify and define the significant terms and processes embedded in an overall attempt of Palestine forcible population transfer. Forcible population transfer is in no way a new concept. However, there is a great need and recognition to tackle this intrinsic injustice.

Background Information

The Palestine’s population transfer act begun in 1948 after formation of Israel by Zionists movement group (Finkelstein, 2014). It was done through Palestine’s colonization and subjecting them to hard task. However, they did not give up so easily on their land and continued with the struggle. The group decided to shift this people by finding them jobs for the poor in other countries, and denied them to work in Palestine.

During this time, more than 750,000 Palestine lost their homes and land (Finkelstein, 2014). The group came up with different policy to ensure that they completely took control of the Palestine’s properties. During this time, there was evidenced mass killing and destruction of the properties. The Palestine population greatly reduced and the remaining population had no power to resist authority from the government. They constantly faced threats and intimidation from the government. These threats were meant to scare them away so that they could create and form space for the incoming groups. The government performed these through military operations to ensure that the Palestine’s were completely paralyzed and did not have any energy to fight back.

The military was also used to bring into control those who seemed to go against the will of the government through complaining about the illegal eviction. The effects of Palestine’s forceful migration are felt up to date. For it had so much negative effects including: Children’s failure to access education, some were beaten such that they were left with disabilities (Finkelstein, 2014).

Moreover, there was collapse in the religious structure, since people were restricted to held up meetings or join together in groups. In addition, there was no more trade and other forms of economic activities, which could take place among the villagers. The people were quarantined together in the village without any form of necessity. However, they could only get a little aid from some foreign aid organizations through the government (Finkelstein, 2014). Through these, the plan of the authority became so much successful.


Case Study: The Creation of Israel and Transfer of Palestinians

This paper uses case study methodology in the study of forcible transfer of population. It would look at different process and policies that were used by the government to forcibly transfer the Palestinian population. In addition, the reasons for government to perform this action will also be considered. In addition, there is a great need to provide solution to the issues facing the Palestine’s population.

Data collection

The data was collected from the reliable secondary sources. These sources include journals and books, containing the relevant information about the topic. There was no bias in the data collection since the source was picked at random from the internet.

Policies Used By the Government to Evacuate the Palestinian Population.


The Israelites completely isolated the cities and ensured that there was no communication or interaction between each other (Gi?nat, 2001). This was a nice starting point, since without communication, there was no way the Palestine’s could be able to cooperate.

Again, isolation meant that no way they could gather to fight against the government. Their bond was extremely weakened and there was no more unity among them. In 2012, the Israel high court created a ruling that there should be no unification between the Israelites and Palestine’s (Gi?nat, 2001). The Palestine had only two choices, to either obey the rule or live together illegally, which had a serious consequence.

Increased Licensing Procedure

The government lengthened the licensing process for businesses and the Palestine’s could not easily get license for their businesses. The process of acquiring land title deeds was also lengthened and made more complicated (Bowen, 2009). Through these, the Palestine no longer had the freedom to right of ownership of their properties. This strategy effectively worked as the government would later destroy their properties claiming that they did not licenses and the right of ownership to their properties.

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