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Paper Examples on Literature

Absalom and Achitophel by John Dryden

To begin the analysis of the poem we should at first say a few words about John Dryden, the man who wrote “Absalom and Achitophel”, the political situation in England of that times and the reasons that inspired him to write it. At first the author published the poem anonymously, just to let it become an earworm in the society. Actually,...

Words: 1444 | Pages: 7

Dante’s Inferno Canto III Summary

Summary The road to the underworld begins for Dante and Virgil from the gates of Hell with the inscription, that is well-known even to people who never read the “Divine Comedy”: “Abandon every hope, who enter here”. There is some more written at the gate: “Through me the way into the suffering city” is the next. Then, the story of creation of...

Words: 1596 | Pages: 7

The Famous Quotes from the Picture of Dorian Gray

Lots of the quotes of Chapter 1 belong to the author of the picture, the artist named Basil Hallward. His words are often the foreshadowing of the future events. Basil talks a lot about the soul that the artist puts into his masterpieces and his own believes that exhibiting the best pictures is like exposing one’s soul - a desirable...

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The Existentialism in Crime and Punishment

The novel “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoevsky is a hard one to read. It taps into the eternal existential questions about the value of life, its meaning and moral code of the society. Is moral just a social construct? What consequences can have killing another human being if no one will punish the murderer? We see Raskolnikov, a young...

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The Setting of George Orwell’s 1984

The novel 1984 of George Orwell shows us a pretty grim and bleak place, where the Big Brother is watching you, literally. The mascot of the government, the aforementioned Big Brother, is everywhere, never letting both the characters and the readers feel safe. This is the main line of the novel – the absence of safety, freedom and personal space. The war...

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Essay About The Gentleman of the Jungle

An analysis of the “The Gentleman of the Jungle” by Jomo Kenyatta This story that looks like more like a fable is interesting not only because of its sense and aesop, but because of the personality of the author. Jomo Kenyatta wasn’t only a writer - he was a prominent politician, anti-colonialist activist and later the first Prime Minister of...

Words: 1453 | Pages: 7

Exploring the Changes of Gregor Sansa in Frank Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”

Changes of Gregor Samsa after his transformation Gregor Samsa undergoes changes that are easily notable during his transformation. The changes to some extend are somehow physical as portrayed in one morning when he wakes up and changes his bed into a monstrous vermin. This is despite other interpretations besides the physical imagery. The reliance of the reader on the embedded...

Words: 2020 | Pages: 9

Who is Snowball in Animal Farm?

The Animal Farm by Orwell (whose more famous work is another dystopia “1984”) is a very descriptive portrayal of Soviet Union and its degradation from the utopia of equality to the oppressive state ruled by tyrannic Party that, while claiming that they still follow the initial principles of Communism, are not better than their predecessors. But still, despite the characteristics...

Words: 1656 | Pages: 7

Effects of Harry Potter’s Literature on Education Research Paper

Introduction Harry Potter is a Harry Potter is a composition of seven fantasy novels which were written by Rowling about the chronicles of adventures of Harry Potter, a young wizard and Hermione and Ronald, who were his friends. The story concerns Harry’s desire and quest to overcome Lord Voldemort, who is a dark wizard. Voldemort aims at becoming immortal, conquering...

Words: 3472 | Pages: 15

Baz Luhrmann’s Adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby

Like most directors who try to adapt a book into a feature film, Luhrmann did a less than commendable job converting this literary masterpiece into a motion picture. The movie is therefore a complete shadow of the book. It can be argued that making a movie out of a book is tough, because the whole book has to be condensed...

Words: 1583 | Pages: 7