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Writing Guide

The Secret Guide of an Intelligent Thesis Statement Maker

Do you want to become an intelligent thesis statement maker? Are you looking for the best thesis formula? Worry no more! This secret guide has the perfect recipe that would help you improve your thesis statement, thereby increasing the focus of your paper. A thesis is said to be a theory, perspective or idea, which is put forward as a premise...

From: Assignment Writing

Simple Explanation How to Write a Limerick, and a Good One

Limericks are, without question, the most entertaining forms of poetry written. No one has say for certain where exactly the name ‘limerick’ stems from, however, many people make the assumption that it has something to do with the Irish town of Limerick. Limericks are so entertaining because they are catchy, short, rhyming, fun, and have an engaging rhythm that makes...

From: Assignment Writing

Explanation of How to Write a Sonnet

What is a sonnet? A sonnet is a poem that usually expresses an idea or thought and is made of 14 lines. The lines are all ten syllables long. Depending on the type of the sonnet, the lines are arranged differently. For the English sonnet, we have three quatrains that must be followed by a rhyming couplet. On the other...

From: Assignment Writing

The Use of Point of View in Fiction

You have been thinking of writing your own novel or short story, now you have put your entire ideas together ready to start the project. The question remaining now is which point of view you are going to use. We are going to go through the various types of point of view; first person, second person, third person and omniscient....

From: Assignment Writing

The Use of Literary Terms

The phrase ‘literary term’ is used to reference style, technique or formatting used by speakers and writers alike. Literary terms might reference things like humor used by comedians to entice their audience to laugh or brainy tricks used by wordsmiths to coin new phrases or buzzwords. Literary terms might also include persuasive writing tools employed by writers to convince audiences...

From: Writing Techniques

A-Z Guide on How To Write a Good Blog

Do you know one of the simplest skills to learn is blog writing? Have you been thinking about creating one? Stop stressing yourself! All the help you need in creating a blog has been researched, compiled and incorporated into this article. On reading this article, you are going to learn the top secrets of blog creation, designing and blog writing....

From: Non-academic writing

Tips How to Write Up a Job Description

Writing an engaging job description is a crucial part of hiring the right candidate for a position. A precise and relevant job description will attract experienced and suitable candidates for the post. On the other hand, a poorly written description will in fact drive away the cream of the crop, leaving you with the bargain basement of candidates to choose...

From: Non-academic writing

Adviser or Advisor

What is the proper spelling: adviser or advisor?  In case both versions are correct, what is the difference between these English nouns? In fact, there is no crucial difference between the two words. You can use either of them and neither will be a mistake. “Adviser” is more common in Great Britain and is considered more conventional, while “advisor” is...

From: Grammar and Punctuation

Using the Definition of Writing Terms

Do you find yourself confused by the writing terms that writers and publishers constantly throw around? If so, you aren’t alone. Is there a word for structure? Is there a word for position? What is the definition of a theme? There are multiple terms used in writing, and it can be expected that anyone new to the central idea of writing might...

From: Writing Techniques

Explanation of Similar Sentence Patterns

Nearly every sentence written in English will fall into ten similar patterns, each determine by the existence (or non existence) and functions (or non functions) or nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Sentence patterns can be most easily categorized based on the type of verb that was used. “Verb of being” sentence patterns will use the form of “to be” as the...

From: Grammar and Punctuation