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Writing Techniques

How to Avoid Stereotypes and Biased Language in Speech and Writing

It is difficult to silence what you know. As writers, we are cautious to write outside of our own perspectives and backgrounds, focusing instead only on the things that we have a deep understanding of. What we can do, however, is take care to avoid using derogatory terminology or making statement that reinforces specific negative stereotypes that belittle other classes...

What Is Sentence Variety And Why You Need It

If you find yourself wondering how to amplify your writing or speech skills in a way that draws in the attention of anyone in your audience, then you could probably stand to learn a thing or two about sentence variety. What exactly is sentence variation ? According to Douglas E. Grudzina and Mary C. Beardsley, authors of Three Simple Truths and...

Controversial Topics That are Using Stasis Theory

Initially developed in Ancient Greece, the stasis theory has been reviewed and critiqued by modern rhetoricians regularly over the last several decades. The word ‘stasis’ can be literally translated as meaning ‘stopping point’ or even ‘slowing down.’ Rhetorically, stasis refers to a debate or an issue that might be disputed or a specific question that needs to be answered before...

How to Paraphrase – Description and Explanation

What is paraphrasing? Definition: To paraphrase means to reword or restatement a text or a paragraph to expand clarify, borrow or expand information without copying and by plagiarism laws. A paraphrase is different from summary since a paraphrase focusses on a single idea which is the main idea and is more detailed than the summary. To differentiate between summarizing and...

How to Deal With Repeated Subjects or Topics in a Sentence

It is often noted that English is the hardest of all of the languages to learn. Taking into consideration that many of the words used in English are actually adaptations of Latin or Ancient Greek words – similar to many other European languages – why is it that English is so very difficult? English is just so complicated, when you...

The Use of Literary Terms

The phrase ‘literary term’ is used to reference style, technique or formatting used by speakers and writers alike. Literary terms might reference things like humor used by comedians to entice their audience to laugh or brainy tricks used by wordsmiths to coin new phrases or buzzwords. Literary terms might also include persuasive writing tools employed by writers to convince audiences...

How to Use Concise in a Sentence

When it comes to concise writing, the goal is to make use of the most effective words possible. Note that writing concisely does not necessarily mean using as few words as possible, but rather using the strongest words – or those that will deliver the greatest impact without becoming to far stretched. It isn’t uncommon for writers to pad sentences...

Tips for Efficient Eliminating Words You Don’t Need

With the advent of text lingo and the rise of the ‘emoji’, Western Society continues to further its love affair with the ability to ‘do more with less.’ A point that resonates in declining newspaper subscriptions and a preferred skills of knowing how to say something in approximately 140 character, or less. It is becoming increasingly apparent that people no...

How to Write Coordinates of Latitude and Longitude

How to Write Coordinates Before we plunge into writing GPS coordinates, it is essential that you know about Global Positioning System (GPS). What are the GPS Coordinates GPS coordinates are the part of GPS system, which means Global Positioning System. It is a worldwide navigation system and that people use for pinpointing an exact location on the globe. Besides this,...

Bible Abbreviations

Bible Abbreviations in Old Testament Genesis - Gen./Ge./Gn. Exodus - Ex./Exod. Leviticus - Lev./Le./Lv. Numbers - Num./Nu./Nm./Nb. Deuteronomy - Deut./De./Dt. Joshua - Josh./Jos./Jsh. Judges - Judg./Jdg./Jg./Jdgs. Ruth - Ruth./Rth./Ru. 1 Samuel - 1 Sam./1 Sm./1 Sa./1 S. 2 Samuel - 2 Sam./2 Sm./2 Sa./2 S. 1 Kings - 1 Kings/1 Kgs./1 Kin./1 Ki./1K 2 Kings - 2 Kings/2 Kgs./2 Kin./2...