Annotated Bibliography: Target Stores Closure in Canada.

Fund, International M. Canada. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2008. Internet resource.
This books examines the response of Canada in regard to the current turmoil in the market. The writer, provides an insight into the possible cause of the wide scale failure in the Canadian market in regard to the closure of target stores. It reflects on the market instability which begun on 2007. The writer urges that Canada’s response to market stress was mainly focused on maintaining the overnight liquidity. The book argues that by adroit management and careful monitoring of markets, the evolving situation of Canadian market failure can be controlled. I chose this book because the author presents ideas coherently with a rich but simple language. Also, the book is comprised of well researched literature with many cited sources, making it suitable for this study.

Hubbard, Robert G. Financial Markets and Financial Crises. Chicago u.a: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1991. Print.
The books provides a comparative analysis of the markets in Canada and America. In addition, it provides hints into the possible causes of the failures that have been witnessed in Canada. Of essence, the book makes a critical comparison between Canada and U.S during the Great Depression and The National Banking Era. It presents an argument that the banking system of Canada made allowance for coordination with large branch systems, and this can be attributed to its success in recent years. The writer presents thoughts and views articulately in a manner that allows the reader to understand the content with much difficult. I decided to use this book as it explains why markets in Canada have failed despite being a developed country.

Stager, David. Economic Analysis & Canadian Policy. Toronto: Butterworths, 1988. Internet resource.
The Author of this book examines the involvement of the government in the market economies. The writer argues that the systems of market are the best means of providing efficient use of resources and distributing finished products. He asserts that the society must be involved in making decisions that involve market economies. Further, it explains why markets fail as result of failing to provide commodities that are not suitable for consumers. It is applicable to this essay as it presents comprehensive information regarding the normative decisions that should be taken in order improve and boost the market system. The language used is simple and easy to understand.

Cited Works

Fund, International M. Canada. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2008. Internet resource.
Hubbard, Robert G. Financial Markets and Financial Crises. Chicago u.a: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1991. Print.
Stager, David. Economic Analysis & Canadian Policy. Toronto: Butterworths, 1988. Internet resource.

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