The Need for Alternative Energy


Since time immemorial, energy has been a very vital component of human existence. Man has for a long time relied entirely on fossil fuels for all their energy needs. The first fossils fuel used by ancient being coal that was commonly used during the industrial revolution across the globe. However, as human population continues to increase; more pressure is exerted on the existing energy resources. In addition, the fossils fuel which remains the most significant and the commonly used form energy across the words so polluting and is even threatening human life with the global warming that is resulting to climate climate change at an alarming rate (Diederen 67).

This among other reason presents a blueprint print as to why the current world desperately needs an alternative source of energy (Peek and Elena 5) This paper will strive to explore the major issues of concern that are making the use of fossil fuel unsustainable. In addition, the paper will explore the available alternative energy sources and how they can be harnessed to offer a reliable energy source.

Fossil fuel and global warming

To begin with, as earlier noted fossil fuel releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide in to the atmosphere upon combustion. As a matter of fact, it is the single most contributor of much of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. However, in the line of our argument what is more fascinating is the effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (Watts and Robert 45). From environmentalist point of view, carbon causes global warming and resultant climate change.

When fossils fuel such as coal, and petroleum products are burnt huge amount of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere. Once in the atmosphere, carbon creates a blanket that prevents the short rays’ radiations from escaping from the earth surface. This scenario has an advantageous effect if maintaining the world temperatures at favorable levels that support life on the earth. Indeed without carbon dioxide the earth temperature would be extremely low for human existence. However, this balance is altered by release of excess carbon dioxide from fossil fuels. Today the impacts of climate change is among the most talked global issues that require action from all world states (Diederen 56).

In fact the effects of climate change have become more pronounced as a resulting industrialization that is releasing anthropogenic carbon dioxide indiscriminately. The dilemma surrounding this issue is that it is the developed and industrialized countries such as china and United States that contributing much carbon dioxide inti the atmosphere but the effects are borne buy all countries.

Depletion threats

Another issue of great concern that is forcing our demand for alternative energy is the non-renewability of fossils fuels. The process of fossil formation is sow compared to the human exploitation rates (Watts and Robert 91). This suggests that relying entirely on fossil fuels is not reliable in the long run. Therefore, on grounds of sustainability, there is a great need to device other energy alternatives since human population continue to increases tapping more fossil fuel without replacing. If this trend s was to continue, it will reach a point whereby all petroleum well would be depleted.

This may cause energy crisis, alt production and economic development and in fact make the world extremely difficult to live in. actually as trends are may propose that soon energy would soon be a basic need. According to Craddock (78).The effects of energy crisis could also be predetermined by keenly analyzing the impact of intentional energy crisis that is caused by Oil producing and exporting countries when they want to hike oil process in the global market. They intentionally reduce production and supply in the market and what follow is the hiking of oil prices across the globe (Aaron 7). The fascinating fact is that, despite the high prices other countries have no option but to dance to their tune. This shows how world is desperate for energy.

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