Feminism and the Structure of Power

Feminism refers to a collection of ideologies as well as movements which tend to share common goals, to establish, define, and achieve equal economic, political, cultural, social and also personal rights for women. This therefore seeks to establish opportunities that are equal for women in both education and employment (Eagleton, 2010). Feminist advocates and also supports both the equality and the right of women.

The feminist movements have in most cases campaign for the women’s rights which include the right to hold public office, right to vote, right to fair wages as well equal pay. They also advocate for women to own property and to have education among other things that affect their lives economically, socially and politically. The feminist groups have also been working towards the promotion of the bodily autonomy as well as the integrity and also to protect both the women the girls from any kind of abuse which may range from rape, domestic violence and even sexual harassment.

Over the years, feminist campaigns have been generally been considered as the primary forces that are behind some of the major historical changes especially in the west. Most of these events are nearly universally accepted as well as credited with having gender neutrality, fair wages and equal pay for the women and also the rights own property and enter in to contract. Despite feminist advocacy primarily focusing on the right of women, various feminist have urged for the inclusion of the men liberation, this is because men also tend to be harmed by the traditional gender roles.

The feminist theory that emerged as a result of the feminist movements focuses on the understanding of the nature of the gender inequality through examining the women social roles as well as lived experience. Theories have been developed in different disciplines to ensure that they respond to certain issues, for instance the social construction of gender as well as sex. Certain forms of feminism have been put on the spot or being criticized for the fact that they only take into account the perspectives of the educated, the whites and the middle class.

Power structure

The power structure is normally an overall system that tends to influence the relationship between an individual as well as every other person in any selected group of individuals. Normally the description of a power structure ought to capture ways in which authority as well as power is distributed amongst people in groups such as the governments, institutions, organizations, nations and also societies. Normally such as these ones are of great interest too different fields (Gumucio and Tufte, 2006).

This includes government, economics, sociology as well as business. Usually power structures are normally constructed either formally or intentionally in order to minimize value such as efficiency and fairness. On the other hand power structure could also be an informal set of roles, for instance those that are found within a dominance hierarchy where members of the social group tend to interact in order to construct a ranking system. Usually cultures that are organized in dominance hierarchy are usually a dominator culture.

Visible dominant groups and elites who tend to hold authority and power in a power structure are often referred as the establishment. The power structures are also fluid, with the changes occurring constantly. This could be rapidly, slowly, evolving, violently, peacefully or even revolutionary.

Feminism is politics that is directed at changing the existing power relations especially between men and the women within the society. The power structures tend to be in all areas of life, for instance in the family, world of politics and work as well as education and welfare.

Normally they tend to determine the person that does what and for whom and also what we might become and what we are. Like postmodernists, feminists seek to develop new paradigms of the social criticism that fail to reply on the traditional philosophical theories and underpinnings. Normally they tend to criticize the modern foundationalist epistemologies as well as moral and political theories. They also tend to expose the contingent and the historical situations of what actually passed with the mainstream for the necessary historical truth.


Eagleton, M. (2010). Feminist literary theory: A reader. Wiley.

Gumucio, D. A., & Tufte, T. (2006). Communication for social change anthology: Historical and contemporary readings. South Orange, N.J: Communication for Social Change Consortium.

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