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Assignment Writing

Simple Tips How to Write a Good Love Poem

A poem has been a great medium for expressing the emotions for thousands of years. People express their emotions or convey the messages in poems. A poem about love is such a form of poem in which you express your love towards your loved one. You can show your feelings and convey your message to your partner on his/her occasion in...

A Guide to How to Write a Bio

Have you been thinking about writing an excellent biography? Stop stressing yourself! All the help you need in writing a successful biography has been researched, compiled, and incorporated into this article. This guide reflects the techniques and bio ideas used to compose the best biographies written by authors with a professional background. On reading this article, you are going to...

How to Write a Short Story – A Simplified Guide

What is a short story - definition We can refer to a short story as a fictional work whose length is relatively shorter compared to that of a novel. Ideally, a short story is one which can be read in a single sitting and should not take more than two hours. Since a short story has a shorter length, it usually...

How to Do Creative Writing Assignments for School

Whether you are in 5th grade, 8th grade or doing some form of short writing for high school, college writing or beyond, there is no shortage of writing assignments. You might be asked to write an essay, a short story, a book review, your resume, a scientific paper, a poem or even a creative story. The latter being the most fun, naturally. Regardless of...

Simple Explanation How to Write a Limerick, and a Good One

Limericks are, without question, the most entertaining forms of poetry written. No one has say for certain where exactly the name ‘limerick’ stems from, however, many people make the assumption that it has something to do with the Irish town of Limerick. Limericks are so entertaining because they are catchy, short, rhyming, fun, and have an engaging rhythm that makes...

How to Write a Romance Novel

Romance writers often have to face lots of criticism. The highlighted problems are not only genre-related; they are also plot-related which is often called formulaic. Many famous romance writers such as Paula Graves believe in embracing the ideas and executing them the same way. Others heartily reject it. Authors like Anne Garcia consider formula writing is what brings monotony in...

PowerPoint Presentation Tips – How to Make Your Presentation Efficient

You’ve concluded your research and gathered your talking points. Now, all that is left to do is to download a template with a sleek design and you are well on your way to a PowerPoint presentation that people will be talking about for days. Not so fast! Yes, your presentation might leave your audience with lasting memories, but, not for the...

Why You Need Creative Writing Prompts and Where to Find Them

For those who may lack a natural passion for writing it can be rather tedious. This rings especially true for anyone trying to overcome writer’s block as a creative writing deadline nears closer. In order to get the creative wheels spinning, writers are often encouraged to make use of writing prompts in order to generate ideas. Granted, the only true way...

Explanation of How to Write a Sonnet

What is a sonnet? A sonnet is a poem that usually expresses an idea or thought and is made of 14 lines. The lines are all ten syllables long. Depending on the type of the sonnet, the lines are arranged differently. For the English sonnet, we have three quatrains that must be followed by a rhyming couplet. On the other...

How to Write an Equation in Standard Form – An Explanation

As you are on this page, we assume that you are having an understanding of some basic concepts. These concepts should be clear in order to write an equation in standard form. You can write an equation in a standard format or in a slope-intercept form. But also note that you can easily convert an equation written in slope-intercept form...