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Grammar and Punctuation

Gerunds Participles and Infinitives and Their Usage

Gerunds (Definition) A gerund can be defined as a verbal that can be considered as a noun. In most cases, gerunds end with –ing. Being a verbal, it means that a gerund is formed from a verb and its purpose in a sentence is to describe an action or express a state of being. Based on the fact that a...

Preposition of Direction: to in(to) on(to)

What are prepositions of direction Prepositions are words that show the relationship between nouns and other words in a sentence. For you to describe a certain direction you need to relate it with movement. When we go to prepositions of direction then, we can define it as words that are accompanied in front of nouns and pronouns to indicate the direction...

Tips for Understanding and Using Complex Sentence Structures in Writing

By way of structure, sentences written in the English language can be grouped into four specific categories – however, there are countless constructions of each classification. Each classification is based distinctly on the amount of dependent and independent clauses contained within the sentence. A dependent clause requires another clause in order to create a complete sentence, whereas an independent clause...

Reflexive Pronouns and Their Usage

Reflexive pronoun definition A precise definition of what can be correctly categorized as reflexive pronouns in correct English grammar is that reflexive pronouns refer back to the subject of the sentence or clause. Mostly reflexive Pronoun ends with -self or -selves and refers to a noun or pronoun that was previously named or termed. For example, He got himself a good job.  Another...

How to Use Quotation Marks

Quotation marks are usually employed or used when writing a wide range of works including articles, journals, books, compositions, manuscripts, play scripts among others. Quotation marks symbol resembles double or single commas with the opening quotation marks being inverted and the closing quotation marks being normal (upright) double or single commas. Hence, visually, quotation marks may be single quotation marks...

Meaning and Use of Indefinite Pronouns

As English speakers, when use indefinite pronouns whenever we are referring to people or objects without specifically stating who or what they are. Pronouns for people often end in body or one. Whereas pronouns for things will typically end in thing. For example: Everybody had a great time at the summer picnic. I knocked on the door, but no one answered. It was...

Adjectives and Adverbs – Meaning and Usage

The English language is filled with buzzwords like verb, noun, adjective, syllable. You might be asking yourself ‘What does adjective mean?’ or ‘What is an adverb?’ Why do they matter? Adjectives and adverbs are words used to describe things. Adjectives describe nouns and / or  pronouns and adverbs describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. Adjectives and adverbs walk alike and they...

Hyphen Usage in English

What is a hyphen? The word hyphen came from ancient Greek which literally means ''under one". The hyphen is a punctuation mark that is used to separate and join words in sentences. Mostly hyphen and dashes are confusing. The hyphen is short while dashes are longer. Dashes also have a different use. A hyphen can also be confused with the minus sign...

Independent and Dependent Clause

While learning English, you will come across many grammatical techniques and rules. One of them is clauses. They are of mainly two types, i.e. independent clause and a dependent clause. You have to use them to make a complete sentence. It can be done with one or both. You will learn more about this in the next paragraphs. What is a...

The Use of Transition Words

What is a Transition? A transition is a word or phrases that are usually used to link one idea to the next. They are typically used by an author to help the person reading their work be able to follow through their thoughts. Apart from that, transitions play a significant role in depicting relationships both witching a sentence or paragraph as...