Step by Step Guide How to Write A Letter of Interest

Do you want to know how to write an attractive letter of interest?

Congratulations! We have the perfect guide for you. Especially for you and only you; this article was written with your interest in mind. In this article, you are going to be exposed to; the most certified letter of interest definition, how to write a letter for a job, statement of interest and the best letter of interest template of our age.

After reading this article, you will be able to write a good letter of interest for any job you desire and you will be more confident in the skill of letter writing.

Quickly before we move to our main destination, which is how to write a letter of interest, it is pertinent for us to go through the most certified definition of letter of interest.

What is a Letter of Interest?

Just like an important sector of a investigation operation, which widens your chances and unlocks new opportunities for you whether as a student, graduate, new worker or professional; A letter of interest is used to apply for job in cases where the applicant wants to work for a certain company but has problem finding any vacant position or suitable work. Writing a letter of interest helps job seekers figure out peradventure there is chance of a new position opening or not.

For undergraduates, who seek placement opportunities, this letter of interest is a very important tool. There is no academic restriction to whom can send a letter of interest. Even those, who are just starting their education and are not yet graduates, can send this letter, as it would give them a hedge over their mates after graduation.

Low paid or underemployed workers, who are not satisfied with their present position, are oftentimes counselled to utilize the potency of this letter to find better job alternatives for themselves instead of remaining stagnant in an unfavorable place of work.

Now that we’ve been able to equip ourselves with the basic knowledge of what a letter of interest is, we can now move to the next step; the basic needs we should prepare.

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Basic Necessities Good Letter of Interest Format

Company address/location of interest specified in the letter heading

There cannot be a letter without an address. First, you should include your own name, address, phone, email etc. in the  letter heading (see the example).  Then, you have to specify the details of your addressee, including the address. Apart from the formal aspect, you ought to know which of their quarters you want to work, if the company is big. For example; lets say you want to work with a big company, Microsoft, which has many branches, it will be unprofessional to write a letter of interest without specifying the location.

However, if the company operates online, an email address would be necessary. In this case, it is important to know how to write a professional address.

The manager/employer’s name

Every company has an employer and it is very crucial for you to know the person’s name because you will be addressing such person in your letter. However, if you are opportune to know the CEO or high ranking official in the company, you can send the letter directly to him/her.

The position you’re interested in

Before you conclude on this position, firstly, make your research and identify the present need of this company and fashion out a niche that goes in line with your area of study or expertise.

Request for Introduction/Interview

In order to show your willingness or readiness, it is not out of place if you ask your contact for an interview. This move will send a signal of competence and readiness.

Letter of Interest Format – Salutation, Body and Ending

You need a good letter of interest format, in order to hit it off well with them.  A good letter of interest ought to be started with an eye-catching statement which aligns with your basic interest in that employer and industry. It must be presented in a way that would give your employer a cause to finish reading your letter.

Such intro can include a quote from the manager’s popular speech, the motto of the company or the basic idea of the company itself.  More like a proposal, you can make it seem as though it was the most recent development at the company that incited your interest. It’s quite crucial for you to specify the kind of division you are targeting or the essence of the letter would be missing or unseen.

  • Salutation: Your letter of interest should always begin with a professional salutation.
  • Three paragraphed body: So as to keep it concise and interesting, the body of your letter should consist of three well built paragraphs. Begin the first Paragraph with a strong proposal statement/statement of interest, which notes ‘not more than four’ key assets. These key assets are your selling point that would enable you to make a great contribution when appointed to your position of interest. This is the most important part because it highlights your abilities.

The middle Paragraph should serve as an experience reference, which highlights  solid and valid examples of how you were abilities.

Lastly, the final Paragraph should communicate a strong interest in getting an appointment with the employer. So to converse with him/her with the aim of exploring the chances stipulated in your final paragraph.

  • Best Regards,
  • FirstName Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Signature

Without much ado, we can now proceed to our main destination, how to write a letter of interest.

Tips How to Write A Letter of Interest

Your letter of interest should contain information as regards the kind of work you are capable of handling, your certification, skills, personal characteristics that align with the nature of the job and experiences which make you a better candidate. Also, the reasons you think you are a good fit for the company, and your influential references or recommendations should be included.

Follow these steps;

  • Make your research about the company’s address, manager’s name and the current company’s need
  • Draft the letter using the format given above
  • Read, crosscheck and reread
  • Append your signature and put the date.

Below is an example of a letter of interest.

A Good Example of Letter of Interest

Freeman Samson

21, Wellington street





[email protected]

21st of June, 2018

Alfred Scholar

General Manager

Shell and Chevron petroleum company,


Apapa, Lagos

Dear Mr Scholar,

The American enterprise, shell and chevron has been recognized to be the best places to work in the country for petroleum engineers. You have repeatedly chosen to be the best, and it shows! It is my understanding that you have been deluged with resumes since Shell and chevron released their list of the best companies at which to work.

Mine is one more, but I do have some experience that is rare, relevant and sets me apart from my competitors.

My reputable engineering experience installed in me a unique ability to apply technology, in all its forms, to petroleum processes. Some of my petroleum engineering skills include engineering, finance, facilities budgeting, inventory control, machine management and various operational processes.

I would appreciate a chance to speak with you or someone in your organization. So that I can showcase my rare abilities and to help me figure out  where my skill set would be of the greatest benefit to your company.

Yours Sincerely,

Signature (hard copy letter)

Freeman Samson

Letter Of Interest Versus Cover Letter

A cover letter is a crucial fragment of the application package that is sent to a prospective employer so as to proceed to the next stage of an submission process (probably an interview). It is added to resume, a Curriculum Vitae, and additional materials stipulated by the employer, in most cases. It is a cover for the documents mentioned earlier (resume, a Curriculum Vitae, and additional materials stipulated by the employer).

On the other hand, a letter of interest is used to apply for job in cases where the applicant wants to work for a certain company but has problem finding any vacant position or suitable work.

The difference between a cover letter and a letter of interest is that a cover letter is only needed when there’s a vacancy but a letter of interest is written to create one.

Also, cover letter cannot be sent alone but a letter of interest is oftentimes sent alone.

Final Thoughts

“While other form of application letters focuses on established subjects or positions, the letter of interest requires creativity. This letter tries to make a way for the writer even when there seems to be none. Sometimes, your letter might be rejected but if you really have an interest in such positions, you won’t give up and as the common adage goes, if you stay around the barber’s shop long enough, you’ll get a haircut. So keep being creative and dogged: one day, you’ll get the rewards of hard work.”

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