Have Automobiles Improved Modern Life?

In recent years, modernization has become a common theme in different countries and sectors of the economy. Its popularity has been advanced by the benefits that are accrued from applying elements such as automobiles into the subdivisions. Although some people may argue that automobiles have not improved modern life, it is important to evaluate the various aspects that have been affected expressively. The transport industry is among the sectors that have encountered a transformation since early civilization with massive improvements seen from the locomotives to electric and energy saving vehicles (Chan & Chau, 2001).

In the modern era, they are important since they assist in transporting goods and delivering consignments that have significantly limited timelines. Furthermore, the transport industry has improved ways in which people travel and access services. It has offered people with the freedom and flexibility to access diverse countries regarding business or pleasure. It is a great prospect for companies to acquire international status in a highly competitive industry by augmenting logistics and distribution channels.

The automobile industry has improved modern life by increasing the number of job opportunities across the globe. With improvements being made in the manufacturing, transport, and sustainable energy industry, it is likely that more workforce will be required to meet the increasing demand for automobiles. In this case, opportunities that may be created will take into account workers in the car manufacturing plants, the emergence of mechanics in garages and researchers in the mechanical field (Chan & Chau, 2001). However, automobiles have also improved the state of life by affecting the aggregate sectors of the economy that include improved infrastructure, fueling stations, and traffic controllers to manage the increasing rate of automobile adoption. Such improvements represent a positive implication from the adoption of cars far-reaching than that of transportation.

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