How to Write an Email for Professional Purpose

Explanation How to Write a Professional Email

How to write a professional email that is world class is the main reason, which initiated this guide. The world is changing at a high pace and conventional forms of letters are getting outdated. Teach yourself the latest update of professional email writing by reading this well-equipped article.

E-mail (electronic mail) is a system for transferring messages from one computer to another, usually via network.  It is also used to refer to the message sent via an e-mail system.

Since 1971 when Ray Thompson created and developed the e-mail, it has become a major mean of communication by people across all age grades, race, nationality and sex. David Newman, after studying the function and positivity e-mail has brought said “E-mail has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches – at scale.”

However, as productive as the e-mail is, it could easily be misunderstood and may result in any unwanted or unexpected reaction from the receiver. Sending an email could be a total waste of time and energy as it could be productive, this depends on how you send and also how the receiver manages his inbox.

Contrary to the belief of most people that an email requires no extra effort to write and send and that there  is no formula for the perfect  email  but authenticity and host messaging, this is very wrong because regardless of what you intend, it  could  be interpreted  wrongly. In order to avoid misunderstanding or and pragmatic clash, great care has to be taken when composing and sending an email. Sending a wrong or unclear email to a friend may not be such a grievous sin that it can’t be forgiven but sending a vague or badly written professional email could be the beginning of professional suicide.

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How to Start a Email Properly?

“The front line is what recipients use to determine whether to delete an email. The subject line is what motivates people to actually open the email.” Loren McDonald.

This is very accurate as the beginning of an email will determine if it is worth reading or not. Although it is unadvisable to leave an email unread because of its beginning, a good email or an email passing vital information with terrible starts pus the reader off. It is expedient to follow basic rules for starting an email.

Below are the important rules.

  1. Use the right email address:For an informal email, an informal email address like ‘Momma’[email protected]’or ‘[email protected]’ or even ‘[email protected]’ is not wrong but these kinds of email addresses for a professional email are a taboo and totally unacceptable. A popular philanthropist once said before he accepts friend request on Facebook, the person’s name matters. It therefore important to note that appearance matters a lot, consequently a professional email requires an address that portrays the professionalism of the sender.
  2. Introduce yourself:this is essential in cases whereby the recipient doesn’t know you.  Let the introduction be brief and rid of unnecessary information. Just mention your name, how you got the person’s email, then get on with it.
  3. Greet:it is only courteous to greet with proper salutation after the introduction. Address the recipient by title (except you are on a first name basis with him) and last name but in situations when you don’t the name of the person, you can address the person as “Dear Sir/Madam”. Let these letter greetings be short and clear.  Imagine you are having a conversation with the recipient while you write your salutation; as you won’t waste several minutes greeting the person, don’t waste time on salutation too.
  4. The less you write, the better:when you’re writing an email, it is better if it is short precise because this will keep you from saying too much or from derailing from the main point. A short and concise email presents you as someone who knows what he is doing and does not waste time in doing it. These factors are good for professional image. Like every good habit, writing a short email takes time and practice so you might want to start by writing a long email and start cutting out the unnecessary and not-so necessary information. This concept was vaguely described by Dan Munz when he said “How to write a good email: 1. Write your email. 2. Delete most of it. 3. Send.”
  5. Have a theme for your email:There are some questions you should ask yourself before writing an email; what exactly is my message? What do I want to achieve with this email?  How do I correctly pass my message? What kind of response do I want from this person? After you’ve answered all these questions, then you have a guideline for your email.  If you realize that you have more than one theme, send each in a different email. It is better if each mail has just one theme than sending a clustered email.  For example, if you want to send an email to invite the recipient to the board of Directors of your NGO and also source for fund for an upcoming event, it’ll be rude and unprofessional to send these different themes in one email.  Make sure these themes are clear and straight to the point. Jordie Van Rijn gave a somewhat hilarious analogy of a jumbled email “An email without clarity is like an annoying mime: just say what you want or get out of the way.” A clear and well organized email further proves your professionalism.
  6. Be reasonable and considerate:Joking around a little bit is alright, when sending an email to friends and family but not in a formal mail. A formal mail format should be followed and your letter should be written with the view of the recipient in mind. No lurid jokes, no innuendoes or pun is allowed. Before you send an email, imagine you’re the person receiving the email and see how it will be interpreted. Sending a long email with half the info it should contain to a very busy person can be seen as cruel. Replying an email late when you know your response should be urgent is also inconsiderate.

How to Use The Professional Email Format

Every professional document has a format it should follow, although an email format does not have a rigid rule guiding it but if a n email is going to be identified as professional, there are some basic things that has to be in place

  1. Font size: A professional email has to be very clearso the generally accepted font for professional documents, Times New Roman, font 12 with double line spacing should be used. Don’t use multicolored fonts or write in all caps.
  2. No emoticons  or abbreviation  should  be  found in a  professional email
  3. Simple and correct grammar should be used. This is whyyou should edit your email thoroughly before sending.
  4.  Formal language should be used all through. No slang or dialect. Even if you speak the same language as the recipient, use a formal language except if the recipient prefers to use that language.

How to End a Professional Email?

  1. Always proofread your email: check and check again for unnecessary words, expressions and sentences. Check for grammatical blunders.  Check to see if you were able to express the main purpose of writing the mail. Is your message clear? Is your use of language appropriate? Can any pragmatic clash occur because of my message? After you’ve gotten a positive response to all these questions, then you can read the email aloud to yourself and check how it sounds.
  2. Close properly: ending well is almost as important as starting well; you have to sign off properly. As  it  used in a formal letter, close the  email with  ‘Yours  Sincerely’ or ‘Yours faithfully’ or ‘Yours cordially’ after which  should  come your signature and then your name.
  3. Avoid including sensitive information in your email:  Judith Martin emphasizes on the importance of editing out sensitive or implicating words out of an email before sendingbecause once it is sent, it can’t be deleted. “We are now seeing email that people thought they had deleted showing up as evidence in court. You can’t erase email.  As that becomes more commonly realized, people will be a little wiser about what they type.” Sensitive information like account details, passwords and what are view should not find their way into your email, so double check this before you send an email.
  4. Attach appropriate, needed and essential documents to the email.  Don’t include it to the main body of the email. Documents like resumes, proposals and so on are more appropriate as an attachment rather than part of the main body.

Example of A Professional Email

From: Janet Hughes                                  Sent: 10 January, at 9:10am

To: Frank Bonkowski                                CC: Craig Gonzales

Bcc:Jacky Lestrange                             Subject: New Book

Attachment:  Press release.doc

Dear Mr. Bonkowski,

I thought you may be interested in The Pocket Writer’s Guide, a new book that may benefit our readers.

Please let me know if you are interested in seeing a copy or would be interested in speaking with the author, Susan Barnes. I am including the text of our press release in an attachment.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Janet Hughes

Director of publicity

Nash Public Relations

360 Madison Avenue, Suite 03

New York, NY1100111


Twitter: @NPRinc

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