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120 Chemistry Topics for Research Papers

Published on: Aug 07, 2018
Updated on: Sep 15, 2023

Lots of people think that chemistry is something distant, connected to the big factory and complicated researches. But everything that surrounds us is chemistry, every atom, molecule and piece of matter is involved in chemical process. You can write literally about chemistry of anything and be completely right.

One of the areas that is popular, understandable and interesting for everyone is food chemistry. Lots of people are wondering what they are eating and how does it influence their well-being. The research paper on food chemistry can explore artificial foods or completely organic ones, because they also are the products of chemical processes. Think about most popular food concerns in your regions and it will make a wonderful topic for your research.

Another interesting variant is chemical innovations. New materials now are capable of things that seemed magical even a decade ago. They are super-light, super-durable and even can substitute some of the living tissues due to the similar chemical properties. Some of these materials are still experimental, so not all the data about them is revealed, but if you manage to connect the inventors and ask them, your research will be outstanding.

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The third broad area you may use is the chemistry of the pollution and eliminating the pollution. Humanity pollutes the world around with chemical processes, but they can be reverted or changed to harmless with the help of that very chemistry. The problem of pollution is very acute now, so the research paper that touches it and provides some solutions will be very valuable in the eyes of your audience.

If you need more narrowed samples, feel free to check the list of the topics we gathered for you.

Good Chemistry Research Paper Topics:

  • The role of catalysts in sustainable chemical reactions.
  • Applications of nanotechnology in drug delivery systems.
  • Investigating the potential of renewable energy sources in chemical processes.
  • Analyzing the impact of air pollution on human health.
  • Exploring the chemistry behind the development of new antibiotics.
  • Investigating the use of artificial intelligence in drug discovery.
  • Analyzing the chemistry of natural products for potential therapeutic applications.
  • Investigating the role of enzymes in bioremediation processes.
  • Analyzing the chemistry behind the development of new materials for energy storage.
  • Investigating the chemistry of food additives and their impact on human health.
  • Analyzing the chemistry of water treatment processes for safe drinking water.
  • Investigating the chemistry behind the development of new cancer treatments.
  • Analyzing the chemistry of atmospheric reactions and their impact on climate change.
  • Investigating the chemistry of alternative fuels for transportation.
  • Analyzing the chemistry of plant-based compounds for potential pharmaceutical applications.
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Organic Chemistry Research Paper Topics:

  • Synthesis and characterization of novel organic compounds
  • Development of new methodologies for organic synthesis
  • Investigation of organic reactions and mechanisms
  • Design and synthesis of organic materials for energy storage
  • Organic synthesis for drug discovery and development
  • Study of organic reactions under unconventional conditions (e.g., microwave, ultrasound)
  • Application of organocatalysis in organic synthesis
  • Development of sustainable and environmentally friendly organic reactions
  • Design and synthesis of organic dyes for solar cells
  • Investigation of organic reactions in the presence of transition metal catalysts
  • Study of organic compounds for the treatment of cancer
  • Development of organic sensors for environmental monitoring
  • Design and synthesis of organic polymers with specific properties
  • Investigation of organic reactions in the presence of enzymes
  • Study of organic compounds for the development of new materials in electronics.

Inorganic Chemistry Research Paper Topics:

  • Applications of metal-organic frameworks in catalysis
  • Synthesis and characterization of novel metal nanoparticles
  • Investigation of the electronic properties of transition metal complexes
  • Development of new materials for energy storage and conversion
  • Study of the reactivity and mechanisms of inorganic reactions
  • Exploration of the role of metal ions in biological systems
  • Design and synthesis of new coordination polymers
  • Investigation of the properties and applications of perovskite materials
  • Study of the behavior of lanthanide and actinide elements in various environments
  • Development of new catalysts for sustainable chemical processes
  • Investigation of the properties and applications of metal-organic frameworks
  • Study of the electronic structure and properties of transition metal oxides
  • Exploration of the chemistry of main group elements
  • Investigation of the properties and applications of metal chalcogenide materials
  • Development of new strategies for the synthesis of inorganic nanomaterials

Physical Chemistry Research Paper Topics:

  • Quantum mechanics and its applications in physical chemistry
  • The role of surface chemistry in catalysis
  • Investigating the thermodynamics of chemical reactions
  • Understanding the behavior of polymers at the molecular level
  • Electrochemistry and its applications in energy storage
  • Exploring the kinetics of chemical reactions
  • Theoretical modeling of molecular structures and properties
  • Investigating the role of nanoparticles in drug delivery systems
  • Understanding the behavior of supercritical fluids
  • Analyzing the spectroscopic properties of molecules
  • Investigating the thermodynamics of phase transitions
  • The role of physical chemistry in environmental science
  • Exploring the behavior of colloidal systems
  • Investigating the properties of liquid crystals
  • Understanding the behavior of biomolecules at the molecular level

Analytical Chemistry Research Paper Topics:

  • Development of novel analytical techniques for the detection of environmental pollutants.
  • Application of mass spectrometry in the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds.
  • Analytical methods for the determination of heavy metals in food samples.
  • Investigation of the role of analytical chemistry in forensic science.
  • Development of electrochemical sensors for the detection of biomarkers in clinical diagnostics.
  • Analysis of microplastics in water samples using spectroscopic techniques.
  • Evaluation of the accuracy and precision of different analytical methods for drug quantification.
  • Application of chromatographic techniques in the analysis of natural products.
  • Development of biosensors for the detection of foodborne pathogens.
  • Analysis of volatile organic compounds in indoor air using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
  • Investigation of the degradation products of pharmaceuticals in environmental samples.
  • Development of analytical methods for the determination of pesticide residues in agricultural products.
  • Analysis of antioxidants in food samples using spectroscopic techniques.
  • Evaluation of the quality and safety of herbal medicines using analytical chemistry approaches.
  • Application of chemometrics in the analysis of complex analytical data.

Medicinal Chemistry Research Paper Topics:

  • Development of novel anti-cancer agents targeting specific molecular pathways.
  • Design and synthesis of new antibiotics to combat drug-resistant bacteria.
  • Discovery of small molecule inhibitors for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Structure-activity relationship studies of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Design and synthesis of selective kinase inhibitors for the treatment of autoimmune disorders.
  • Development of new drug delivery systems for improved bioavailability and targeted therapy.
  • Design and synthesis of novel antiviral agents against emerging viral infections.
  • Structure-based drug design for the development of potent enzyme inhibitors.
  • Development of new anti-diabetic agents targeting specific molecular targets.
  • Design and synthesis of novel analgesics with reduced side effects.
  • Discovery of new anti-parasitic agents for the treatment of neglected tropical diseases.
  • Development of new anti-coagulant drugs with improved safety profiles.
  • Design and synthesis of novel anti-depressant agents targeting specific neurotransmitter receptors.
  • Development of new anti-fungal agents for the treatment of systemic fungal infections.
  • Design and synthesis of new anti-hypertensive drugs targeting specific ion channels.

Environmental Chemistry Research Paper Topics:

  • The impact of air pollution on human health.
  • The role of heavy metals in water contamination.
  • Analyzing the effects of pesticides on soil quality.
  • Investigating the sources and consequences of plastic pollution in oceans.
  • Assessing the environmental fate and transport of pharmaceuticals.
  • Understanding the chemistry of acid rain and its ecological implications.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of wastewater treatment methods.
  • Investigating the role of atmospheric chemistry in climate change.
  • Analyzing the chemical composition and toxicity of electronic waste.
  • Assessing the impact of industrial pollutants on freshwater ecosystems.
  • Investigating the chemistry of microplastics and their effects on marine organisms.
  • Understanding the role of atmospheric pollutants in the formation of smog.
  • Analyzing the chemical composition and health effects of indoor air pollutants.
  • Investigating the chemistry of oil spills and their environmental consequences.
  • Assessing the impact of agricultural practices on soil and water quality.

Molecular Chemistry Research Paper Topics:

  • Applications of molecular dynamics simulations in drug discovery
  • Advancements in the synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotubes
  • Exploring the role of molecular chirality in drug design
  • Investigating the catalytic properties of metal-organic frameworks
  • Understanding the mechanism of enzyme-catalyzed reactions at the molecular level
  • Designing novel molecular sensors for environmental monitoring
  • Exploring the potential of molecular self-assembly in nanotechnology
  • Investigating the role of molecular recognition in supramolecular chemistry
  • Advancements in the synthesis and characterization of graphene-based materials
  • Understanding the role of molecular symmetry in crystallography
  • Exploring the potential of molecular machines in nanotechnology
  • Investigating the electronic properties of organic semiconductors
  • Designing new catalysts for sustainable energy production
  • Exploring the role of molecular interactions in protein folding
  • Investigating the mechanism of action of anticancer drugs at the molecular level
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